It's still raining! The weather makes rescues challenging but also makes life challenging for some animals. As if that isn't bad enough, they also encounter many man-made issues from road collisions, rubbish and fishing tackle.
Rescues attended for February as follows: 1 Swan, 2 Cygnets, 2 Herons, 1 Goose, 1 Hedgehog, 4 Muntjac, 1 Fallow Deer = 12 in total.
On the 3rd February a call came in about a heron that was tethered to a tree by it's wing. It was caught up in fishing line, but out on a lake on an over hanging tree. Gill, Kevin and I all attended (All swan sanctuary volunteers). A kayak was needed and following video shows me retrieving the bird. A fantastic team rescue. On 14th February I went and collected the heron from the Swan Sanctuary and took it back to the release spot. Thank you to the Sanctuary for care of the bird.
Release on 14th February.